I'm an aspiring musician/composer. I'm currently working on a musical project known as Hibiki-San Experience. I don't have much else to say at the moment, lol. Sorry.

Edward @Katzuya

Age 35, Male

aspiring musician

Bay City, Tx

Joined on 4/18/04

Exp Points:
520 / 550
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> 100,000
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4.96 votes
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It's been on and off for me and this website. Don't know why really. Watching flash and judging them is fun. Some good are good. Some are bad. Either way, its better than what I could come up with LMAO. I decided instead of trying to make flash videos like I wanted to, I'll instead make songs. I've always been interested in music though I didn't really take it seriously in high school. That and I want to be an active part of a community rather than a lurker like I have been for . . . damn, 9 years.

Hopefully someone like what I make and put some use to it whether its adding it to their own piece of work, or just listening to it.

Well that's all I got? BTW is there a way to change my username? I want it to be relevant.


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